Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!

Live the life you’ve imagined.

~Henry David Thoreau

Memoirs & Recitations

Xavier: 2024 WW Fenn

Owen: 2023 WW Fenn

Chris B: 2023 WW Fenn

Devin: 2023 WW Fenn

Owen B: 2023 WW Fenn

D Fu: 2023 WW Fenn

Teddy S. 2023 WW Fenn

Brett: 2024 WW Fenn

John M: 2024 WW Fenn

Alex P: 2024 WW Fenn

Joe G: 2024 WW Fenn

Jonas: 2024 WW Fenn

Owen L: 2024 WW Fenn

Chris B: 2024 WW Fenn

Pat C: 2024 WW Fenn

Alex L: 2024 WW Fenn

Sea Fever

James C: 2024 WW Fenn

Gordie: 2024 WW Fenn

Hector: 2024 WW Fenn

Daniel M: 2024 WW Fenn

Bjorn: 2024 WW Fenn

Ethan P: 2024 WW Fenn

Elijah: 2024 WW Fenn

Class of 2024 Essays

Make the Most

2024 Travers Winner! ~Finn Gerighty Class of 2024  A trip for many friendships  It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy ones like, What about lunch?  A. A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh My upper lip...

All Quiet on the Western Front

~Owen LaCamera, Class of 2024 Only the dead have seen the end of war.-  ~ George Santayana Would you want to go to the army after one hundred and fifty men were killed? 11:00 am on a random Tuesday, Paul and his comrades return after two weeks of fighting in the...

From Dread to Relief

~John Mulvany, Class of 2024 “Nothing is more frighteningthan a fear you cannot name.” ~Cornelia Funke It was two weeks before my dreaded senior reflection, and I was super nervous. All I could think about at the time was me standing in front of the 400 people that...

The Way of The Woods

~James Creelman, Class of 2024 How the woods changed me Forever Be yourself; everyone else is already taken ~Oscar Wilde My Windsor Mountain experience was a powerful one that I will never forget. From building up the courage to take a leap of faith. To late night...

Another Day at the Beach

~Eric Olson, Class of 2024 Live life like your dying  Another day at the beach in Florida. Many buildings around which means adventure, but don’t take the wrong path. I woke up early at sunset to go meet up with some friends I met named Cole and Colin. Cole was...

War and Survival 

~Ethan Pearson, Class of 2024 “Our knowledge of life is limited to death.” ~Erich Maria Remarque Everyday since I was assigned to read the lengthy, timely, book called All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, I’ve been spending countless hours reading...

Death Changes a Man

~Elijah Donnalson, Class of 2024 While reading, I am trying to determine whether reading All Quiet on the Western Front will be a light or challenging read. I later found out that All Quiet on the Western Front is not an easy read, but a challenging read that took a...

The Unspoken Truths 

~Xavier Mercado, Class of 2024 An Analysis and Reflection  We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children. ~Jimmy Carter  It's a cloudy winter afternoon, the class is just fifteen minutes away from a much needed dismissal- it was...

Brutal & Beautiful War

~Joe Galante, Class of 2024 The Horrors of War and Comradery “War is what happens when language fails.”  ~ Margaret Atwood It was a sad, cold Sunday night in my room. I was sitting at my desk, staring at the long lines of text; All Quiet on the Western Front on...

A Trip of a Lifetime

~Andy Voss, Class Of 2024 It was three in the morning on December 21st, and my family and our friend's family woke up in the hotel ready to leave for the airport because we were all going to the Virgin Islands to be on a boat for a week. After almost missing the bus...

A Life Far Away 

~Jack McBride, Class of 2024 A life without friends is not a life at all  When I heard we were going to Windsor Mountain for our 9th grade class trip, I wasn’t very happy. We had already been to Windsor Mountain in 8th grade. I wanted to experience something...

A Day to Relax

~Alexander Luo, Class of 2024 “Relaxation is not a luxury, but a necessity for a healthy mind, body, and soul.”~Susan Taylor Today’s the day. Today, I can finally relax. Today, I’ll be at the end of the storyline I’ve been working on, running on, soaring on, and...

War and Comradeship

~Jonas Ahlgren, Class of 2024 “In comradeship is danger countered best.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe It took long sessions of sitting at my desk to finish reading All Quiet on the Western Front. Many times I hunched over my iPad, eyes darting back and forth to finish...

The Reality of Modern War

~Griffin Dewing, Class of 2024 Camaraderie & The Horror of Modern War  I sat down on my bed at 9:30 pm on a cold and gloomy Thursday night. With just one chapter left to read, I decided to finish it that night. Normally, I'm not very entertained by reading, but...

Warm Memories

~Bjorn Tellefsen, Class of 2024 On the bus heading to New Hampshire listening to music, excited to have fun and get to know my friends better. I was hoping it wouldn’t be a repeat of last year and we would do other things. When we got off the bus, we were put in...

Diamond Dog Baseball

~Eric Olson, Class of 2024 Fun>winning Diamond dawg baseball. The greatest Fenn team in the history of the school. Our basketball team, and a few other kids. One week of the most fun I’ve ever had. For our first practice of the season all we did was scrimmage the...


~Gordie Gund, Class of 2024 And More Delays Over the summer I went on a surf and service trip in Costa Rica with three friends. While we were there, we spent time surfing, cleaning the beach, and fixing the beach’s parking lot. We had lots of fun and enjoyed our time...

Realization on the Mount

~Hector Cruz, Class of 2024 The Possibilities are Endless  The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react. ~George Bernard Shaw Every successful person you know has one thing in common. They all did something. They all made the decision at...

The Thoughts, Desires, and Question of a Fenn Boy

~Patrick Carolan, Class of 2024 John Carolan is the name of my biggest idol, hero, inspiration, supporter, and the most loyal person I know. He is a six-foot man who used to be clean-shaven for his whole life until he left his dream job at the fire station to support...

Camping in the Woods

~Daniel McGowan, Class of 2024:  Teamwork & Community Over the summer when I heard that we were returning to Windsor Mountain for our senior class trip instead of going to Camp Belknap, I wasn’t very excited. I wanted something new that we hadn’t done before....

Taking Risks 

~Brett Wohletz, Class of 2024 Why I will Always Remember…  “Courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.”  -Nelson Mandela  As I walked into the cabin, smelling the strong scent of wood, with my soggy shoes, all I was thinking about was...

A Different Environment

~Chris Boonisar, Class of 2024 Friends and Teamwork “A friend is one of the best things you could be and the greatest things you could have” ~Sarah Valdez When I went on the senior class trip to Windsor Mountain Camp in New Hampshire, I created deeper friendships and...


~Sammy Bigelow, Class of 2024 A community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. The people in the Middlesex community are from all different backgrounds, and they work together to learn and deepen relationships...

Class of 2024 Fiction

Survival Struggle 

~Alex Pattinson, Class of 2024 “Tom, we ran out of food.” “How? It’s been a week, and we stocked up for a month!” “Maybe if you listened to me and only ate during breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we would be fine!” “I only ate a little bit extra!” “Whatever. It doesn’t...


~James McBride, Class of 2024 “It doesn't matter how we do it, it only matters that we do it .” “Take out the cameras on the way in.” “No you missed one.” “Flick that switch it will take out all of the lights.” “What about us we won’t be able to see?” “That’s what the...

Ups and Downs

~Bjorn Tellefsen, Class of 2024 The Unstable Life of Juan Aguilar Juan Aguilar was an amazing student, loved by teachers and students alike he was one of the most popular kids in the whole school. His social life was outstanding, he had many friends and had a smaller...

A Meltdown in Haneda

2024 Travers Winner! ~Xavier Mercado, Class of 2024 “I can only say it was a miracle, we could have died if we were late.” -A passenger onboard JAL516 “Welcome to the private hearing for Japan Airlines flight 516. We appreciate your time here this morning.” I wasn’t...

Failing Forward

~Andrew Voss, Class of 2024 “Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward.”  -John Maxwell Nathan is a 16-year-old kid who lives on a farm with his mom in the countryside outside of Chicago. At the farm, they care for many kinds of animals, like cows, pigs,...

The Dark Alley

~Chris Boonisar, Class of 2024  “Where do we go now?” “I told you we shouldn’t go down here, what were you thinking?” “Now we are stuck in some big dark cave and I can't even see.” “How do we get out?.” “I don't know but get out your flashlight; it will help us...

Last-Minute Work 

~Ethan Pearson-Class of 2024 A Mostly True Sunday-night English Session Concord, Massachusetts is the site of the Fenn School. And the 25 members of the ninth grade class are all chatting in a ninth grade group chat on a Sunday night, discussing they have not finished...

Life On Rænü

~Gordie Gund, Class of 2024 “Well well well. What do we have he-uh.” “Ow” “who are you?” “where am I?” “I am kimlee” “who you” “y name is paul.” “Hi Hi, nice meet you.” “Where am I?”  “Dis Rænü B, welcome” “How do you speak English, we are far from earth.” “Translator...

The Deity of the Stars

~Alexander Luo, Class of 2024 Persistence Saves Worlds Ethan knew he was lazy.  He was a black-hair and brown-eyed fifteen-year-old boy who never submitted his school assignments on time and always only gave half of his effort but still achieved average results....

The Room

~Finn Gerighty, Class of 2024 “Hello?” “Hello?” “Hey, who are you?”  “I’m Sheen, Sheen Williamson.” “Oh, I’m Dan, why is it so dark in here? Also where are we?” “I don't know. It smells like potatoes though. Also, it's really cold here.  “Yeah, I noticed the...


~Patrick Carolan, Class of 2024 The Jedi way Grief does not change you, it reveals you.  ~John Green I open my eyes and shoot up in bed. Sweat dripped off my six-foot-two frame. My mind is racing as I try to get rid of the nightmares of foreshadowing. Visions of...

Day in the Life of John Smith

~ Hector Cruz, Class of 2024 I sleepily glance over to my left and groan as the dim red light of my digital alarm clock reaches my eyes. It’s two AM and the heavy rain pounding full force against my window has foiled all of my attempts at falling asleep. I quietly say...

Run Before You Can’t

~Brett Wohletz, Class of 2024  “Lucas, what’s the problem” ”Them, they’re coming after us” ”Who’s them? The disease?” ”Yes, dummy. These little bugs that are programmed by the government are biting everyone one by one. Billy, you need to watch out” ”What are the...

IKEA Warrior

~James Creelman, Class of 2023-2024 The Power of IKEA The story starts with a fourteen year old boy named James who was born and raised by IKEA. He grew up in the aisle and was raised by the very environment. He trains and sharpens his fighting skill as he grows up....


~Owen Lacamera, Class of 2024 Hello world, my name is Owen, I am 14 and there is a zombie apocalypse in my town and it is my job to save the city. My 10 year old brother Jordan has been preparing for this day his whole life so he knows how to survive. We live in a...

The Magical Land of Rebinom

Where there are Princesses and Dragons ~Sammy Bigelow, Class of 2024 It was just a normal Saturday afternoon, I was eating lunch with my friends at Sorrento's Pizza place. I was with Eggy, Joe, and Hector and we were all eating and having a great time. After we had...

The AI’s Rise

~John Mulvany, Class of 2024 “They’re coming, quick hide next to this car”  “what is it” “It sounds electronic” “Is it an AI Machine” “Should I try and see it? We don't have anywhere to go in all this debris.” “We should make a run for it, don't you think John.”...

A Search

~Jonas Ahlgren, Class of 2024 It was late in the morning when the call to action came. A hiker- missing for over a day, and the deep wilderness in upper New Hampshire. Not a good mix. Collin George, a state trooper, had not had the most eventful day. There was seldom...

The Class of 2024 Poetry


-Gordie Gund, Class of 2024 It’s 8:45 AM I’m sitting in Mrs LIbby’s room And I hear her say “GET OUT” What class, I ask “Fitz English” oh great I haven’t even touched my homework how am I supposed to write four poems in such a tiny window of time but then I realize of...

The Water 

~Finn Gerighty, Class of 2024 The white water. Weaving between the grainy sand. Washing up against the marble rocks. Smashing up against the silver land. The white water. Blanketing the ocean floor. Casing over the life below. Reflecting on the life above. The white...

An Ode to Planespotting

~Xavier Mercado, Class of 2024 Where skies meet land, Eager eyes and eager ears, A planespotter stands, keen and true, Captivated by the soaring sight. Amongst the rumble of engines might, We seek the souls of graceful flight, To keep the blue side up, A tale of...

Tomorrow is Another Day

~Alexander Luo, Class of 2024 The sun shines high today, I’m ready to set sail. The ocean looks so bright and promising, that I can’t help but smile. My sailboat pushes off from the dock, and I grab my fishing net. I’m ready to do my life’s work. I cast my net into...


~Eric Olson, Class of 2024 In the gym's embrace, where dreams ignite, Seven souls unite, in passion's flight. With every dribble, a tale unfolds, In the heartbeat of the court, victory molds. Sneakers squeak, spirits soar, On hardwood dreams, they explore. In the...

The long dark walk through the stereotypes of New York.

~Ben Kugeler, Class of 2024 Walking down the streets of New York City dark as coal. Sirens blaring. Car light is shining. At every block you can hear a honk or you can hear, “ Get the hell out of the way dumbass.” And hearing shots fired 5 seconds after screeching...

The Trial of Life

~Patrick Carolan, Class of 2024 I stood alone In the empty casket, Felt like a cell where My feelings are imprisoned. I could feel the cold metal On my hip. I thought about it all. Dani, Mom, Shawn, Dad, Shawns words, Lingering. Dangling over my head, I’m chasing the...


~Alex Pattinson, Class of 2024 Sunny day. The world is bright. But for how long? Shadows begin to move, As if they’re alive. It gets darker by the minute. The moon shades the earth And cools it Like a storm cloud on a hot day. It gets darker by the minute. The sun has...


~Griffin Dewing, Class of 2024 I'll use my time, Before it takes me, To another world, With no escaping, It follows me, Wherever I go, I am feared by it, But it will never let go, Death will take us all, There is no escape.

The Hunter

2024 Travers Winner! ~Hector Cruz, Class of 2024 Morning dew glistens on a rose petal Stars shining with the glow from the sun. A lone Cardinal sings on a wet branch stark crimson against crisp emerald leaves. An earthworm emerges leaving the moist shelter of the...

End of School

~Chris Boonisar, Class of 2024 The school year is coming to an end Graduation and summer break is upon us Kids start to get senioritis Classes seem like a push Kids do dumb things and get in trouble But the end of the year is a special time for the seniors They are...

A Beautiful Day

~Brett Wohletz, Class of 2024 A beautiful day, A day where there’s not a worry on your mind A day where there’s a sunset like no other kind A day with friends and constant joy, like a little kid at a birthday party Every worry and care seems to fade away leaving only...

A Glorious Sport

~Bjorn Tellefsen, Class of 2024 Dashing through the snow, On two thin pieces of wood Over the moguls I go, Then floating through fresh snow Once reaching the base I load onto the lift To go up once more Skiing all day long


~Ethan Pearson, Class of 2024 The marching of the British are heard over the 5 AM silence, The calm early morning April breeze is something to take in. The battle of Lexington has yet to begin. Brave men from the surrounding towns have gathered on this very field,...

Sweet Spring

-Elijah Donnalson, Class of 2024 On the green grass, I lay my head, Golden sun, warming up my bed. Sweet harmony of birds, up high they fly, In the vast, blue, endless sky I can hear that spring has arrived


~Owen Lacamera, Class of 2024  Walking down the road With my pet toad Then it snowed So I had to row my way back home My home is in Rome next to the seafoam I entered my styrofoam home To comb my hair You can call me Jerome The way I’m alone Sitting in my stone...

Trapped in the Sky

~Sammy Bigelow, Class of 2024 I am walking Slowly getting closer To the door Where I will be trapped 35,000 feet in the air for over three hours I step onto the plane Find my seat and put my bag in a overhead compartment I sit down everyone else finds there seat there...


~John Mulvany, Class of 2024 Whoosh! 40 miles per hour and a place to be The snow is soft and thick But that won't stop me Tree to my left Tree to my right Trees everywhere Just make it to the lift before it closes The pounds of snow emptying on me So close 3:59 No...

In the City

~Jonas Ahlgren, Class of 2024 Cars Busses And people So many people On the sidewalks And the crosswalks All pushing to make their ways through the maze of blocks The sounds of cars honking And the thumping of manholes as they are run over Repeatedly The steam that...

Explore the Fenn Voices…

Class Years



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