~ Ollie Needham, Class of 2028

Ring of light
in the quiet night
sharper than a knife 
the moon takes the stage 
Rips joy from the sun
only for a bit
but it does have fun
The sun comes back 
Prepared for the attack
De novo my friend 
Hope to see you soon
Hope to see you again

It was a Monday 
That fateful day when
I ran from a cannibal
Ran from a cannibal
I was walking down the street
When a car door flew from the sky
And fell on my head 
Fell on my head
On the door 
Was a man 
Wearing a shirt
With “cannibal” in bold print
Right on the front
And he said to me
“You dented my door!”
Then he charged at me 
And so I had no choice
I ran from a cannibal
Ran from a cannibal
Right past McDonalds
Past the Big Mac
That I was planning to inhale
A bus flew from the sky 
And crushed the cannibal
But out of the bus
Ran 70 more cannibals
So I had no choice
I ran
Ran from the bus
Full of cannibals
Then finally 
My Big Mac arrived
Then I had the energy
To run, run, run
Run from cannibals
But then
Russia’s nuke 
Fell from the sky 
And that was the end
Or was it?
The nuke missed 
By 1 inch
And for some random reason
It didn’t explode
All I had
Was a dent in the ground
Then the same thing happened
All over again
A door fell on my head
On the door 
Was a man 
Wearing a shirt
With “cannibal” in bold print
Right on the front
And he said to me
“You dented my door!”
Then he charged at me 
And so I had no choice
I ran
Ran ran ran
Ran from 70 cannibals
Ran from cannibals
I stepped on a door
And I heard behind me
A chorus of