~Will Kugeler, Class of 2025

Life flies by when your having fun

“ Yo do you want to do something today”

“ No I can’t I’m sorry”


   “ But we only have so much time together until i go to boarding school,  why don’t we just do one last ride”

“ Yea i guess lets do it”

“Want to play lacrosse? ”

“Yea sure lets go down to Manchester at 2.”“do you wanna invite anyone ”

“Yea sure lets ask Danny and Dean”

“What about Aiden so we can do a two on two.”“yea sure”

“Alright, text me when you start to bike”


“Yo varsity is using Manchester go to skillings”.

”Alright, i’ll tell Dean and Aiden”

 “ Brooo there’s no nets on the turf”

 “ Just go carry them”

 “ But there so heavy”

 “When i get down ill help you, i just needed to go grab some money from my mom”

“ Yo, ima go to town pantry. You guys want anything”

 “ Can i get a water”

 “ Let me a water and some lays”

 “ I’m alright thanks”

 “ He’s been gone for a while”

 “ Yea i wonder where he is”

 “ Yo boys I’m back”

“ Where were you, you took forever”

 “ Yea we got worried you weren’t going to come back” 

 “There was a long line at checkout”

 “ Alright it doesn’t matter”

 “ Let’s play to eleven one stop of you is a point and a goal for us is a point”

 “ Yo lets go Pete we won”

 “ Yea man that was close”

” Yo I’m hungry y’all wanna go to Burger King”

 “ Yea sure”

 “ Yea sure”

 “ Why not”

 “ May I please have a burger”

 “ Yea  can i have one to please”

“Me too I’m going to get one”

 “ I don’t have any money”

 “ I’ll get you a burger”

 “ Thanks bro I’ll pay you back”

” Na its chill, you don’t need to”

 “ That was some good grub”

 “ Yea”

 “ Oh shoot my mom called, i got to go home”

 “ Ok”

 “ I’m probably just going to go to since I have practice at five thirty”

“ Sounds good”

 “What do you want to do”

 “ I don’t know. want to chill at my place till we go to Mia’s at eight”

 “ Yea sure”