~WIlliam Lyon, Class of 2025

She’s the best
She’s always there for me

She played soccer in college
So I grew up playing soccer 
But now I play football
She was mad I wanted to switch 
but she was always there for me
She even signed me up for club football
She wants what’s best for me

She’s the best
Her support has changed my life, and my support changed hers

She always says I looked like my uncle
He died in 2015 and we all were hurt 
She was in the most pain I’ve ever seen her in 
But she could not stop thinking about us 
She’s who I want to be when I grow up

She’s a warrior 

She never stops fighting for her kids
She never stops fighting for me

She never shows when she is sad 
She always shows when she’s happy

Her relationship with me has made me who i am
Leader/Captain of sports teams, smart, athletic, nice, funny
And, most importantly, 

A Good kid